It's all up to fate. And planning. And careful packing. No one ever tells you how much packing sucks until you're knee deep in boxes, clothes, hangers, and crap. I have paths all around my room and stuff everywhere. It doesn't help that there is a mountain of clean laundry to put away. I have neatly separated things into piles; what to move, what needs to be stored, what I'm selling, what's getting donated, and what goes straight to the garbage.
(My mountain of laundry on the bed.)
Turns out I am slightly a pack rat (or just lazy). But I keep weird things no one would ever need. I've found my collection of In Styles and Glamours, which are purged every time a move happens. There are old journals with one entry in them, books I need to read, and a nice stack of college textbooks. The weirdest things are plastic bags from Target, Gap, Anthropologie, and Charming Charlie, etc. and white plastic hangers. I must have a thousand hangers, why?
I'm not lacking motivation to pack, I feel like I just did this. When I moved out of my apartment in September I planned on just grabbing everything I have and moving to a new apartment in the Twin Cities. I didn't think I would be consolidating everything into my car and driving to Texas. This is a little more challenging than I had anticipated. I'm just making the dent in my room, and I still have the whole garage to go through.
How is this all going to get done in a week? Especially with a trip to Grand Forks and Fargo this weekend. It's hard to know what I will need and want when I get there. Does every book and movie come? Will I need all of my dishes, Tupperware, and cookware? Who knows, I guess this is just all up to fate. And planning. And careful packing.